Cloudflare + Virtualization

Cloudflare Today I learned about Cloudflare. Cloudflare is a Content Distribution Network (CDN) that provides a number of performance and security enhancements for websites. By serving as a middle-man between visitors from the internet and your web server/content they can provide things like simple and free SSL/TLS, content caching, and DDoS protection. In this case I was interested in using Cloudflare in order to host this log under a custom domain (https://dev. [Read More]
web  infra  ssl 


Main event Today was somewhat of a bust in terms of making progress. I fell back into the trap of endless hugo theme tweaks. In the progress I learned a bit about the complexity of responsive web design. Given the issues with the Lithium theme and styling things like code blocks and quotes I sought out a new theme. Since the Gitlab Pages demo used the Beautiful Hugo theme I thought I would give it a try. [Read More]
web  stuck 

Gitlab Pages

Today I worked with Gitlab Pages. Also boy what a day to log the process because what seemed like a simple copy paste of a gitlab-ci.yml turned into all kinds of trouble shooting. It all started by looking at the example pages/hugo to see what was necessary in order to build and publish this log on Gitlab Pages. Seemed simple enough, essentially a container with hugo installed that runs a special pages job with the public folder as the artifact. [Read More]

Hugo Themes

Today I learned about Hugo Themes. Hugo is a static site generator written in Go. Or in their words The world’s fastest framework for building websites Essentially the idea, like with many static site generators, is that you can write your content in something simple and pleasant like markdown and then have a program combine it into a fully functional website (html, css, js). I had looked into Hugo previously so there wasn't a ton new there. [Read More]

I Can Haz IP + Docker Security

Intro First post/log/diary entry. Here goes nothing. On new dad duties, mostly spent the day clearing out a glut of bookmarks and saved links. Easily get a machine's public IP address curl Courtesy of [Dean Wilson's][dw] post on making a Terraform provider. [dw]: All things Docker Security Stumbled upon Jess Frazelle's Blog which has all kinds of awesome stuff related to Docker and security. In particular the combination of AppArmor, Seccomp, and SELinux profiles to make containers more of a security boundary (Getting Towards Real Sandbox Containers). [Read More]